Talking to Children about Race & Social Justice
As adults we are taught to avoid talking about race, including with our children. Whether we can admit it or not, children notice the ways that they and their peers are treated based on the color of their skin since ago two. When we are silent about race, our children are left to draw their own conclusions about how to navigate the world as a person of color and/or how to interact with people of color.
Without intentional coaching or support, our children’s conclusions often reflect and reinforce racial biases, prejudices, and assumptions about people of color and/or about themselves. When we are intentional about teaching our children about race, we can positively impact the ways they see, categorize, and make meaning about ethnically and linguistically diverse people.
At this WORKSHOP, participants will:
Practice strategies to proactively discuss race with young children to support their understanding of what a socially just society looks like
Gain confidence in discussing race with both white and children of color
Develop tools for supporting your children in becoming change-makers and future equity guardians
Reflect on your own awareness of your racial identity so that you can share it with your children
Participants will have the opportunity to cross-pollinate with other adults to learn strategies on how to have conversations about race with children